Wednesday, July 20, 2005

its about time innit....?

commitment can be such a bore sometimes ey.?
not relationship-wise.
but to a certain group of people.

the people that may or may not look up to me.
that is entirely up to the individual.

you may give me credit, or you may not.
you may thank me, or simply shrug it off.

from nothing.
yes, you have achieved something.
and the way i see it, credit goes to another person.

and it has always been a one man workload since 2001.
people come and go.
i have come into contact with 2674938.0648 gerls ever since I founded the group.

numerous hours have gone into the songs that were sung.
and more hours for the pieces of paper with words on it.

i forced myself to learn how to write.
and disgrace myself, making up shitty songs.

just for.?
you .

well, i blame myself.
i'm not that really committed, if you gerls put it that way.
but when i do teach. I teach.

and i do achieve results.


and to tell you plainly, the pay is peanuts.
i never, ever, since 2001, calculated every single hour, down to the very minute, for my attendance.

anything that was credited into my bank account, i am thankful.

and trust me, i dont mind coming down, even if you tell it was gonna for free.

you are my gerls.

the gerls i teach.
never mind if you dont look up to me.
never mind if you think i suck at this.
and never mind if you dont appreciate all that i have done.

i have a proven track record.

and this, you, are my group.
i built you. with my own sweat.

i'm sticking it out, because.?
of the above reasons.

tt's why i say commitment can be such a bore.
when one loses interest.

and its definitely not me.

'kian hapus ni tunggak.'


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